47 Percent of workers say their job keeps them up at night according to a new Career Builder survey. 60 percent say a lack of sleep has a negative impact on their work. 22 Percent say they've called in sick just to get some sleep. Here are some weird dreams people have had about the office.
1. I showed up for work only half dressed. But everything was OK because we have a relaxed dress code.
2. While I was pregnant I had a dream I had to up load my unborn baby everyday.
3. My boss and I were mowing lawns in the clouds on a go cart.
4. Famous people worked with me as co-workers
5. I drove a forklift home from work
6. I opened up a bank and brew where customers had their choice of craft beers after doing their banking.
Personally, I've dreamed about work many times. I usually dream about oversleeping. Which of course is a big deal if you are a radio morning show host. One time the result was I got fired. Another time I raced to the radio station only to find out everyone else was later than I was and no one noticed!
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