The American Kennel Club has just come out with their list of America's Most Popular Dogs. Once again this year Labrador Retriever tops the list. Labs have been number one for the past 26 years. They're family friendly and love to please. Several breeds are rising in popularity and might one day give Labs a challenge for the number one spot. Rottweilers and several Terrier breeds are gaining in popularity. Here are the top 10.
1. Labrador Retriever
2. German Shepard
3. Golden Retriever
4. Bull Dog
5. Beagle
6. French Bull Dog
7. Poodle
8. Rottweiler
9. Yorkshire Terrier
10. Boxer
Over the course of my life my family and I have shared our lives with several breeds including: Beagle, Poodle, German Shepard, Golden Retriever and now a Pit Bull. I never met a dog I didn't like. I love them all.
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