My friend and fellow WSUS host Michelle Taylor told me yesterday was National Only Child Day but I didn't get a chance to say anything about it on my blog yesterday. There is time today so here goes. I was an only child and there are pros and cons to this. Even today I miss having a sibling. Luckily for me I have over 30 first cousins which to me are the closest thing to a sibling I will have. These days I am in regular contact with 6 or 7 cousins which is really nice. A few years ago's Emory Ann shared some truths about being an only child. Here are some of her best ones.
1. There was a Christmas when you asked your parents for siblings
2. You loved playing at the houses of friends who had siblings
3. We are sensitive because we never had a sibling to give us a hard time.
4. We're not good at fighting. When you have a sibling you get the benefit of free fighting lessons.
5. Imaginary friends were essential
6. You always wonder what your siblings would have been like
7. You always have to explain to people why you are not a spoiled brat.
8. If you want to have kids. You want more than one.
9. Your parents can be over bearing and over protective. They can't help it. You are their only one.
10. We instantly connect with other only children. They understand and know you're not a weirdo.
Of these 10 truths number 8 is the most true for me. I'm glad I have 4 kids. What's even more important to me is they all get along and care about each other.