When I was in high school and for a little while in college I bowled in local bowling leagues. It's not so easy to bowl for a high score. It takes concentration and coordination to lay the ball down in the perfect spot with just the right spin once or twice a game. 12 times in a row is amazing under any circumstances. Only one time in 6 years of league bowling did I ever come close. It was during my senior year in high school I rolled 6 strikes in a row. This past Friday 23 year old Ben Ketola who works at a bowling alley in Syracuse bowled 12 strikes in a row in a record time of 86.9 seconds. He did it with the help of a friend and by using 12 different lanes so he didn't have to wait for the ball return. This is a pretty amazing feat considering each lane is a little different and he used 12 different bowling balls. Take a look.
Source: Syracuse