Steve Andrews

Steve Andrews

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We waste plenty of time and money on lost items

     I must admit my memory isn't what it used to be.  It's pretty common for me to hear people who are around my age say they remember what happened 20 years ago better than they remember 20 minutes ago. However, according to a report in The Business Journal it's not just about how old we are. Their new "lost and found" survey finds that as a whole Americans waste about 2 and a half days a year looking for lost items. On average we spend over $50.00 a year replacing lost items. 

     The most common item we misplace is the T.V. remote.  Two weeks ago we lost the remote to our blue ray player. I still can't find it. Maybe it will turn up when I move the couch. Other commonly misplaced items include: car keys, glasses, shoes and purses or wallets. On average we misplace these items twice a week. 

     One other thing, although most baby boomers blame loosing things on old age.  The study actually showed millennials are twice as likely to loose things as baby boomers.

     Here are my thoughts on this. One way to prevent misplacing anything is to put it in the same place all the time when you are done with it. In my house I have a specific spot where I keep my wallet, keys, glasses and phone. I'm not perfect, but I can honestly say I rarely loose those things. My remotes have a specific place too. The only time they seem to get lost is when we have company. As far as Millennials go. I think the reason they misplace items is because they have too many other things on their mind.  At least the millennials I know seem to always have a lot going on. 

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