Blame it on our hormones! I think I'm pretty good about taking ownership of something when I'm wrong but looking back this might not have always been the case. I can remember family members on occasion telling me how stubborn I am. Ladies, you probably have seen this with your husbands and boyfriends too. Guys also hate to ask for help or directions when we are driving. Which is just another way of admitting we're not always right.
Colin Camerer a professor at Caltech recently did a study to try to explain why guys are like this. The results of his study were pretty eye opening. What professor Camerer found was that guys with high testosterone levels were quicker to make snap judgements on brain teasers where the first guess is usually wrong. He concluded that testosterone prevents the process of mentally checking our work or increases the feeling that we are right.
The professor says testosterone increases our confidence. When you are confident there is less of the self doubt we need to correct our mistakes. So now we have an excuse when we don't admit we're wrong. Science says so. So ladies be nicer to us!