Steve Andrews

Steve Andrews

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3 Ways to get your husband to do more at home

This is my Mother's Day gift to all the busy moms I know. Working mom Tiffany Dufu wrote the book: Drop the Ball: Achieving more by doing less. Here are some of the techniques she suggests to get more help around the house from your SO.

1. Have faith in your spouse-men can be good at household chores and parenting if you let them.

2. Figure out what chores are important. Then you can delegate the others to your husband or just drop them altogether. 

3. Divide the labor. Once you have decided what has to get done assign some things to your hubby.  

As a man who pretty much raised 3 kids on his own for 10 years I think these suggestions are really good. I'd like to add one thing I've learned over the years is that not all household tasks are essential. You can let some things go to next week.  It took me a long time to learn this. You should also remember some chores and projects can be done a little at a time. 

Source: The New York Post

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