Warmer weather is here. We have many nice playgrounds around here to take our kids and grand kids to. It's always a nice thing to do. However, the Center for Disease Control says more than 200,000 kids wind up in the ER after a trip to the playground each year. 20,000 kids suffer brain injuries or concussions.
I always took my kids to the playground when they were little. Today my daughter takes my grand daughter all the time. Years ago my youngest son did get hurt and it was because I wasn't close enough to him. Fortunately, in my son's case a trip to the ER wasn't necessary.
My point here is as safe as playgrounds are these days kids can still get hurt. So here are some ways to prevent that from happening.
1. Closely watch all your kids, even the older ones.
2. Make sure the playground is properly maintained, that means no trash lying around and secure equipment.
3. Check to see there is adequate cushioning to prevent injury
4. If it's too crowded go to another playground so it's easier to watch your kid.
5. Kids should only play on equipment appropriate for their age.
6. Don't allow kids to wear hoods or clothing with strings. Hoods can obstruct vision and strings are a choking hazard.
7. Teach your kids to follow all safety rules at the playground. Like no running or pushing.
Source: The Business Journal