In the beginning of a relationship everything is new and exciting. Then over time we settle down and get comfortable with our partner. Sometime we get married or live together. Then what happens? Everything becomes predictable. We still love our partner but the passion and excitement goes away.
Relationship expert Samantha Burns in Women's Health says three questions could help get the spark ignited again. It's worth a try, right?
1. "When was the last time I made you laugh." Laughing activates the reward center of your brain releasing dopamine which makes us feel good. Sometimes remembering the times you had a good laugh together can make you laugh again.
2. What's your favorite vacation we took together. Our everyday routine is a drag on relationships. Chores, work and bills are not sexy. Thinking about how great it feels to relax and escape together is always good.
3. "When do you feel closest to me" Knowing when your partner feels emotionally connected to you is great for intimacy and after you have had a disagreement.
My favorite is number 1. I'm divorced now but I remember going through several losses and heartaches while I was married. We could always recall funny and happy times during these moments. It helped us get through them.
Source: Women's Health