If you have ever seen a loved one suffer you know how heart breaking this illness is. We still don't know what causes Alzheimer's Disease but we do know women are twice as likely to get it. We also know exercise and a heart healthy diet decrease the chance of getting it. Here are some foods you can eat more of or add to your diet to help fight Alzheimer's.
1. Sweet Potatoes-they are full of antioxidants which improve memory and boost the brain's ability to learn.
2. Chickpeas- full of B vitamins for healthy brain development. A great source of potassium and protein too. Yes, hummus is a super food.
3. Oysters, clams, mussels, liver and kidney meat are all good sources of vitamin B12 which is good for your brain.
4.Lentils- Contain lots of Folate or vitamin B9 great for brain function. Lentils are also associated with decreased risk of heart disease.
5. Pistachios- rich in vitamin E.
I like most of these but Liver and Kidney Meat, No Thanks!
Sources: My Domaine and Alzheimer's Association