Over the course of our lives many tough decisions come along. Sometimes you can put them off or not make a decision. However, my dad used to say: "Not to decide, is to decide." Which is very true.
No matter where you are in life, there's always something to think about. Try these three step and see if the decision gets clearer for you.
1. Get another opinion. Ask someone you admire or look up to how they would handle the decision. See what a person you want to be like would do.
2. Try looking at data. Check out statistics and see what others have said about what you are trying to make a decision on. Whenever I'm planning a trip or making a major purchase customer reviews weigh heavily on my decision.
3. Be aware of possible bias. Try to figure out where people are coming from.
25 Years ago a General Manager I worked for gave me this advice on how to make a tough decision: "Take your time and make a list of the pros and cons." He felt seeing everything in front of you on paper could help you look at the choice more clearly. He would eventually become President of a record company, share a Grammy Award and now owns his own Real Estate Firm. I've tried this a few times and it's been helpful to me as well.
However, I'm usually one of those people who decides on emotion and gut feelings. There's nothing wrong with that either. In the end you just don't always know if things will turn out good or not. Just remember, if they don't it's perfectly fine to forgive yourself and move on.
Source: Pop Sugar