The last time I went on an actual week long vacation was the summer of 1988 in Wildwood, New Jersey. It was also the last time I went on vacation with college friends instead of family. I had a lot less responsibility back then. Two years later I was married with a son on the way. Life can change very quickly in your 20's.
When our kids were little my wife and I were fortunate enough to lead 5 WSUS group trips to Disney World in the 1990's. Since we were all together it was something I looked forward to. Even when you consider all the packing and responsibility we took on for our own young family and a dozen other families. We always had a great time and made some life long friends because of those trips.
Then came divorce and being a single parent. Family vacations when we could afford to go on them were only a two or three days. Then before I could blink my kids were grown up and going on their own vacations. So I started going on my own two or three day vacations a couple of years ago. It was just long enough to be enjoyable but not so long that I worried about leaving.
Today I will kick it up a notch and go away for a whole week. Last Christmas my cousin in Los Angeles convinced me it was time to travel more and invited me to stay with him and his wife in Los Angeles for a week. There are places I've always wanted to see in our country and in the world. Today I start checking off those places.
I thing I've learned already is how much my family and pets still count on me. Just thinking about going away for a week has made me realize how much I will miss my kids, my pets and my garden. Hopefully, my kids will keep after things at the house while I'm gone, give my dog and cat extra love and water the garden every day so the vegetables keep growing. For me leaving things in the hands of others will be tough but I have to start getting used to it.
Ironically, one place I'm not worried about leaving behind is work. Planning this trip has also made me realize how wonderful my co-workers at 1023 WSUS, WNNJ and MAX 1063 are. Whatever I have needed or wanted to do in my life they have always been supportive.
So "friend" me on Facebook if you haven't already. I'll share my vacation adventure all week long. See you on the radio again next week. Love you God Bless!