Many years ago (obviously) my parents met at work and started dating. They continued to date and work together until they got engaged. Then on their own they decided it was best to work in different places. Mostly so any disagreements wouldn't carry over into the office. It was very commonplace back then for people to meet their future spouse at work.
Today people are more careful but I think it's still possible provided you mutually agree on a few guide lines. Ask yourself these questions.
1. Is this just a physical attraction? If there's no emotional connection you should not date.
2. Do I know what they're really like? If you don't really know them it might not be a good idea.
3. What kind of HR policy does the company have? Today many companies don't want supervisors dating other employees.
4. Will this impact my ability to move ahead with the company or my career?
5. Can we set boundaries and stick to them. Your dating life should not overflow into work. I think this is the most important question.
Source: Fox
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