First, let me say this report makes total sense to me. I've taught all 3 of my sons to drive and I've always tried to discourage them from getting too over confident in their driving abilities. Two of my sons are now over 25 so I don't worry so much about them. My youngest is 19 and he's been driving for almost 2 years. I know he tries to be a safe driver, but I still worry.
Liberty Mutual Insurance just released a report that shows older teen drivers actually have more accidents than younger teen drivers. The likely reason is older teen drivers become over confident and start thinking of themselves as safe drivers. As a result risky behavior behind the wheel increases. So just when you think you don't have to worry as much about your teenager driving, you actually have to worry more.
I think another reason older teens have more accidents is because they are driving in places that are out of their comfort zone more often. Driving to college rather than high school. Driving to work a longer distance from home. Driving more places on their own for recreation and vacation.
No matter how old my kids get as a parent I'll always worry about them. My sons won't understand why until they become parents. I'll never stop reminding them to drive carefully at all times even if they think I'm a nag.
Source: Yahoo finance
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