Eating before bed usually won't help you sleep. These are some exceptions according to experts. Just make sure your portion is snack size. Too much of any food before bedtime will upset your stomach.
1. Pumpkin Seeds- Think of the magnesium in pumpkin seeds as nature's Ambien.
2. Popcorn- high fiber snacks like popcorn boost the growth of serotonin producing bacteria in our stomach. Serotonin makes us feel good and helps us sleep.
3. Soy- Studies have shown 2 servings a day will help you sleep. Soy nut butter or roasted edamame soy beans as a snack.
4. Tart Cherries- These guys will raise your melatonin levels.
5. Salmon- The vitamin D helps you get to sleep and stay there
6. Yogurt- probiotic filled dairy products lower cortisol levels. Cortisol is the stress hormone that keeps you anxious and awake.
Source: Women's Health Magazine
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