The Bald Eagle population is growing in our area. According to the Minisink Valley Historical Society from November to March a large number of Bald eagles is now wintering in the Port Jervis area. It's estimated about 250 Bald Eagles from the Quebec are making the Upper Delaware Valley their winter home.
Yesterday my son took a picture of this Bald Eagle on Delaware Drive in Matamoras. Many people also pulled off the road to take a picture. Since it's not November I guess this is more evidence the Bald Eagle population is growing in our area.
Bald Eagles are not very comfortable around human activity. The New York Audubon Society says when viewing Eagles this is the proper "Eagle Etiquette"
1. Remain in or right next to your vehicle
2. Use binoculars if you have them.
3. Remain quiet. No loud talking, music or car door slamming
4. Don't do anything to try to make the bird fly
5. Respect private property.
Source: Minisink Valley Historical Society
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