Last week was a very busy week for me. I almost didn't make the trip to Long Island to see my daughter and grand daughter. After some long days at work and our Girl's Night Out Party I was trying to convince my daughter not to go to the Bronx Zoo on Saturday. Kim would not have any part of it. She said dad "We need a day out." As tired as I was I knew she was right.
I got to my daughter's house around 10:30 PM. They let Gracie stay up so I could see her before she went to bed. Now that she is almost 2 years old she is talking quite a bit. I settled down in the chair in the living room near where Gracie was playing. Then for the first time my grand daughter looked at me holding a toy and said "grandpa." My heart melted. It seems like only a short time ago we were waiting for her to arrive. I still remember when each of my own children looked at me and said "daddy" for the first time. They all grow up fast.
On Saturday we did have our day out at the Bronx Zoo. The coolest part of the day for me was seeing the giraffes and the grizzly bears. Seeing a bald eagle up close was awesome too. Gracie was fascinated with the giraffes and bears too. When I got home Saturday Night I was very tired but I couldn't stop thinking about my grand daughter calling me "grandpa" for the first time. You just never know when a moment like this is going to happen in your life. I'm very happy I listened to my daughter and had a "day out."
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