Writer and mom of 5 Amy Betters Midtvedt came up with this idea and now she is sharing it with other busy parents on a budget. Essentially, it's saying "yes" to whatever your son or daughter wants for a half hour. There are limits and the half hour is planned and talked about in advance. Here's an example of how it can work.
Amy started with her youngest son Sam who wanted to buy Halloween decorations. They set their budget in advance and planned in advance where they would have a special mom and son meal. During their "Yes" half hour Sam got to pick whatever Halloween decorations he wanted.
This is not really about the money but the experience. Kids appreciate and remember hearing "yes" for a half hour. They also learn to make good decisions.
I actually remember my dad doing something like this when I was around 11 years old. That year I wanted a fish tank for my birthday. A month before the big day my dad agreed and told me how much he would spend. Then I read a few books, talked to my step brother who already had his own fish tank and figured out what I would need. I knew what fish I wanted and even the colors of gravel before we even left for the store on my big day. When everything came together I was so proud to show my friends and family my awesome new fish tank.
When your kids become teenagers a "yes" half hour might have to be handled a little differently but the overall idea could still work. Especially if you know they will make good decisions with the financial resources available. Think in terms of maybe shopping for school clothes or even buying their first car. Do you think it's worth trying?
Source: The Stir
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