I was just talking about this with a co-worker here at WSUS yesterday. Many of us experience a mid afternoon crash. Since I get up at 3 in the morning my crash often happens around 11 in the morning and just about all of my co-workers don't understand it. So I thought writing about what Women's Health says on my page would be helpful to everyone. If we eat the right things for lunch we'll feel full and have energy until dinner. Eating the wrong stuff for lunch will make us feel cranky, tired and hungry in the middle of the afternoon. So here's what we should try not to eat.
1. White Bread- Causes your blood sugar to spike and there's hardly any fiber. Whole grain breads are much better.
2. Mayonnaise- 1 tablespoon adds 100 calories. Better choices are: guacamole, pesto and hummus. This is really bad news for me. I love my mayo.
3. Granola Bars- Most of them are high in sugar and don't have enough fiber or protein to keep you full.
4. Flavored Yogurt- They all have a lot of sugar. The fruit on the bottom yogurts have more sugar than a can of soda.
5. Mixed greens with just chicken-Lettuce and chicken won't keep you feeling full for long. You need some fat, protein and fiber. Add some beans or avocado.
Source: Women's Health
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