This is a great time of year to buy your favorite candy because it's probably on sale. I don't know about you but I can't buy candy for Halloween too early because I wind up eating one piece at a time and then I have to re-supply for the actual day of Halloween. Candy manufacturers must know this is what we do. It's a conspiracy.
Here's how to make this conspiracy something to be happy about. Vivino's annual list of Halloween Candy wine pairings. Here are this years suggestions.
1. Hershey's Chocolate with Syrah (Red)
2. 3 Musketeers with Sparking Chenin Blanc (White)
3. Kit Kat with Pinot Noir (Red)
4. Skittles with Madeira (Red)
5. Reese's with Gamay (Red)
6. Snickers with Tokaji (White)
7. Starburst with Moscato D'Asti (White)
8. Twizzlers with Rose'
Well, even if you don't have the exact wine this list can get you close. So go to the store and buy some extra Halloween Candy for yourself and enjoy your favorite pairing. You could also do what I used to do. Just confiscate some of your favorite candy from your kids!
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