The way I look at all of this is pretty simple. We always have something to look forward to in life. It took me a long time to realize one of the keys to my own emotional health is making sure I give myself something to look forward to. So according to science here are the different abilities we peak at and their respective ages.
23- Most content with life. This also happens at 69. I was pretty content at 23. I was out of college and didn't have my own family yet.
28- Fit enough to run a marathon. Physical strength peaks between 25 and 30 according to numerous studies.
32-best able to put a name to a face. Research at Harvard found our facial recognition abilities are best at 32.
46-Sexual Peak. Recent studies show this is when we enjoy intimacy the most because we have more experience and fewer hang ups. Pretty interesting...
50-Using our maximum brain power. According to Harvard cognitive function peaks at 50. Take that younger people!
65- Most body confident. Studies have shown we are less worried about how we look by this time. The reason is we have figured out there are more important things to worry about.
Source: Whimn
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