Over the years I've always enjoyed sharing some of our Thanksgiving dinner with my pets. After all, we're thankful for them too. However, The American Kennel Club and WebMD suggest there are some foods our pets should partake in during Thanksgiving.
1. Turkey-the garlic, butter and seasonings we use might be toxic to pets. If you want to give them a treat make it a small amount of plain turkey.
2. Ham- Pork products can make pets vomit and give them pancreatitis.
3. Stuffing-Many ingredients in stuffing can be bad for pets including raisins, grapes and mushrooms. The absolute worst ingredient is onions in any form. They're poison for dogs and even worse for cats.
4. Sweet Potatoes-if they're plain its fine. When they're covered with marshmallows and spices they'll give your pet an upset stomach.
5. Pumpkin- canned pumpkin is good for pets but pumpkin pie is not.
Salty treats, nuts and chocolate are always a no go for pets. They can cause vomiting, weakness and in the case of chocolate sometimes death.
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