The week between Christmas and New Year's usually means using up remaining vacation days so I'm usually off most of the week. This year I spent Christmas Weekend on Long Island with my daughter and grand daughter. On Christmas Day we had our annual "cousins reunion" at my cousin Deirdre's house. We decided this year's picture would have a Brady Bunch look because there were 6 of us. My grand daughter Gracie's two favorite Christmas gifts were her little couch and inside slide. All day long the day after Christmas we could hear her saying "Weeee" as she went down the slide.
When I got home it was time to do some minor projects around the house and relax a whole lot in between. I bought new light bulbs for the kitchen ceiling fan that will supposedly last 13 years. They cost about 3 times as much as regular bulbs. We'll see if my investment pays off. Later on it dawned on me. The ceiling fan is about 20 years old already. Which means the bulbs will probably out live the fan.
My other project was taking my mom and dad's sterling silver out of the basement and polishing it. When my mom passed away 6 years ago I put most of her things in my basement. It made me very sad to see them. As time has passed I've come to realize mom and dad would have wanted me and their grand kids to enjoy the nice things they left behind. So far I have polished their beautiful silver candle holders and tea set. It was remarkable how beautiful everything looked after 60 years.
I hope 2018 is a great year for all of us.
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