I don't put up as many Christmas decorations as I used to but decorating the house for the holidays always makes me feel good. My kids always tell me I don't have to but I think it makes them happy to see the house decorated too.
Taking the decorations down and putting them away is a let down for many people, myself included. Here are some tips from the internet and thoughts from me on how to make the process a little easier.
1. Remember we've all been there. This year several of my friends on Facebook have mentioned how empty their house feels when the decorations are gone.
2. Put your delicate ornaments away carefully. Use egg cartons, an apple box or paper cups. I just save the boxes they came in.
3. Don't shove your artificial tree back in the box. Get a soft sided carrier with handles or do what I do. Put the tree in the attic standing upright in its stand so it doesn't look crushed when I need it next year.
4. Keep your lights from tangling by wrapping them around a piece of cardboard. Then put each string of lights in a it's own box. Used gift boxes work great for this.
5. Save your left over wrapping paper in a long storage bin, old umbrella stand or garment bag.
6. When you're taking everything down put the decorations you don't want anymore off to the side and donate them.
When everything is done go out to a nice lunch and look forward to next year.
Source: Today
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