Before I finished college and got my first job in radio I worked in a supermarket for 7 years. Even today when I need to turn off my brain taking a trip to the supermarket does the trick. I look for deals, bring my coupons and watch what other people say and do. It can be very funny.
The way the new Amazon Go store in Seattle works is pretty cool in many ways. You scan the app at the entrance and everything you buy is automatically charged to your account. So beyond this, how much does Amazon's new "no cashier" supermarket concept change the way we usually shop? No much actually.
1. Aside from the turnstiles at the entrance, the inside looks like a typical grocery store.
2. Cameras are everywhere so each purchase can be tracked.
3. Prices are about the same as every other grocery store.
4. It doesn't mean less jobs. According to Amazon there will be plenty of chefs and customer service people on hand to help.
5. Sensors on shelves track your purchase preferences.
At this point I see some pros and cons here. Of course no check out lines is really a good thing. But what happens if I have coupons or if I change my mind and put something back? Will it come off my bill? One of the really good things about this is how tough it will be to steal. Time will tell if this is really the supermarket of the future. Several years ago places like Sam's Club were gaining in popularity but now they're on the decline. Would you shop at Amazon Go if it came to our area?
Source: Refinery29
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