If you talk a lot on your cell phone two new government studies will be good news. Researchers from the National Institute of Health Sciences just completed two ten year studies of the cancer risk from cell phones. One study was done on mice the other on rats.
Over the 10 years of studies only male rats showed an increase in heart tumors from high exposure to cell phone radiation. None of the mice or female rats showed any increased risk. The rats and mice were exposed to radiation 9 hours a day for two years. Which is more than ever heavy cell phone users.
My only concern here is what happens after 5, 10 or even 20 years? Two years might not be a long enough time to see any negative health consequences. So if you're like me and still a little worried about the negative effects of too much cell phone use just take precautions:
1. Use a head set
2. Limit use of your phone
3. Use speaker mode (to keep the phone away from your head)
Source: New York Times
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