A new survey by the fitness app Freeletics says the average American has about 60 bad days a year. That's 2 whole months or an average of more than one bad day a week. It's not surprising the cause of our bad days 4 out of 5 times is work.
The main reason why we wind up having a bad day is lack of sleep 2 out of 3 times. Some other reasons for our bad days include: Having plans fall through, our favorite sports team loosing, not having hot water and a bad hair day.
The study also found bad days aren't good for our physical either. Half of the people in the study said they are probably going to eat something unhealthy when they're having a bad day. Over one third said they would consume more alcohol.
When I first started in radio I used to let bad days on the air really get to me. Which lead to even more bad days. During my brief stint as a sports reporter covering the New Jersey Devils in the late 80's I learned something from the coach and players. Win or loose they had the same mind set after each game. They were already looking ahead to the next game. No one dwelled on a bad play or losing the game. After a win they celebrated for a short time but not too long.
Here's what I took away from this experience. Try my best everyday but not every radio show is going to be a great one. Some days on the air will be fun and a win. Other days will be a struggle and a loss. Regardless, when I'm in my car heading home think about tomorrow. 9 times out of 10 when I do this after a bad day, the next day is a really good one.
Source: New York Post
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