Parenting isn't always easy. These days I watch my daughter struggling with the same things my wife and I had to deal with 20 years ago. Getting the kids to sleep, cleaning up messes, getting kids to eat and feeling tired most of the time. Of course, there are many joys too and in the long run it's all worth it.
So here are some of the additional benefits researchers say you get from being a mom.
1. A study from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis shows moms are more productive at work.
2. Researchers from a Miami University found moms perform better in memory experiments than women who don't have kids.
3. A study from Oxford University finds a woman's risk for Ovarian Cancer decreases with each child.
4. A 30 year study published in the JAMA Internal Medicine Journal shows women who breast feed 6 months or longer reduce their risk of diabetes by 47 percent.
5. A study in Sweden tracked 1.5 million moms and found moms can live up to a year and a half longer than women who don't have kids.
I think dads get some of these benefits too.
Source: Pure Wow.
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