After I mailed out my son's tax returns on Saturday it was off to Subaru World of Newton. Even after all these years I love doing live broadcasts. My only complaint is that people hesitate to come over and say "hello." They don't believe we give out great prizes with no gimmicks or strings attached. Let me be clear. We do give out great prizes with no strings attached and love to talk to our listeners. My newly adopted cat Daisy actually climbed up on my lap and let me take a picture of her on Saturday too.
On Sunday after church it was off to New York City to see Jersey Boys. The show was fantastic! I went with my old college friend Bob and his girlfriend. Life goes fast. It's had to believe we have been friends for over 35 years. The other great part of the night was the real New York City pizza place we ate at around the corner from the show.
I love riding the train into the city. Coming home late Sunday Night became an adventure for Bob and his girlfriend when the train doors did not open at their stop. In spite of their yelling for help the train moved on. Where were the NJ Transit conductors? They had to get off at the next stop and get a ride back to the train station where their car was.
Since I knew I would not get home until 2AM I took a vacation day to sleep in on Monday. Which was pretty much a chill day. I did find the time to wander around the supermarket at make some boneless ribs which turned out to be delicious. Thanks to my special blend of barbecue sauce on one side and soy sauce on the other.
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