A church in the Poconos held a strange service that featured hundreds of A.R. 15 rifles yesterday. All the church goers were legal gun owners. None of the A.R 15's were loaded. The rifles were part of a ceremony for couples to renew their wedding vows. It was planned long before the tragic shootings in Florida. I am a regular church goer and a strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment. Like the people of this church, I believe the 2nd Amendment is about much more than hunting. Here are things to consider before we enact more Gun Control:1. There are 15 million law abiding Americans that own A R 15 rifles right now.2. No one is asking students what they think should happen to the person who caused this tragedy.3. Background checks can only work if Red Flags and Criminal behavior are taken seriously by law enforcement.4. Russia, China and the rest of our nation's potential enemies would like to see every law abiding American without the right to own guns. There are more but these points seem to be getting over looked most of the time. See the story by clicking here. 1 of 1