I taught all three of my sons how to drive. They're all good drivers but they don't give me any credit. I'm also not allowed to comment on their driving when I'm a passenger. Sometimes I just can't help it and I still do. They're only mad at me for a few minutes.
So now my sons might feel justified because a new study out of the University of California at Los Angeles has shown that novice drivers preparing to take their driving test actually had more skills than older drivers. Young male drivers were more confident than young female drivers. Both genders did equally well on the test.
The study showed the reaction time of younger drivers increased their skill level. Teens who participated in sports were the best drivers. So why do younger drivers have more accidents? The researchers think it's most likely due to a lack of attention to safety considerations rather than a lack of technical driving ability."
So although younger drivers have better technical driving skills. Older drivers have more experience. When it comes to overall safety experience helps older drivers stay out of dangerous situations where a fast reaction time is necessary.
I guess this means my sons will just have to keep letting me talk when I'm their passenger!
Source: CBS News
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