After the week that featured school closings and power outages everyday the weekend couldn't come soon enough. I had so special plans. Just a youth group meeting at my church on Friday night. It's always very enjoyable for me to volunteer at these meetings because I learn something from the Bible lesson along with all the kids.
The rest of the weekend I had no special plans. I knew the house had to be cleaned and food shopping had to be done so I was up early on Saturday. The house was in pretty good shape by 11. Then I clipped my coupons and headed to Shop Rite. My hard work paid off because the receipt said I saved 63 dollars. My bill was only 53 dollars. While I was getting my 2 for 3 dollars Ragu Sauce I found Jon Bon Jovi's sauce too. I didn't buy it this time. Is 6 bucks too much to pay for a jar of tomato sauce?
The one pet I rarely talk about on the air is my conure Peetie. When I adopted her from an older couple I had no idea how long conures can live. The older couple had her for many years and taught her several expressions including "I love you" and "Thank You." We've had Peetie for 15 years. A conure's life span in captivity can be over 30 years. Which is pretty amazing.
Every few months Peetie lays eggs and sits on them trying to hatch them. Since she has no mate the eggs will never hatch. I feel so bad for her when I remove the tiny eggs and clean out her cage. That was another thing I did this weekend. She is such a beautiful creature.
Finally, I got motivated on Sunday and decided to clean out the floor of my pantry. Where everything falls and never gets picked up. When I pulled everything out I found 3 bottles of wine! I must have put them there and forgotten about them. The bottles of wine are now on my kitchen counter. Ready to be enjoyed very soon.
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