A new study says pizza at work can be a better motivator than cash. Of course, you can't pay your mortgage with it but what the study has to say is very interesting. It shows pizza is a great stimulus.
The study was done in Israel by psychologist and author Dan Ariely. One group was offered a 30 dollar bonus, another pizza, another a compliment from the boos and the last group got nothing. The group that was offered the pizza was about 7 percent more productive.
However, as the study progressed over a longer period of time the results changed. After one week the group that was promised a compliment was the most productive. Ariely feels if home delivery of the pizza was offered it would have been the best motivation.
People who work with me know I don't like going to meetings. This wasn't always the case. For many years we had a General Manager who would often order pizzas for us to enjoy during our staff meetings. One of the benefits to this was everyone paid attention to the content of the meeting. Since I tend to doze off in meetings the pizza was motivation to say awake.
There is one drawback to using pizza to motivate employees: If it's really good pizza they'll probably gain a little weight.
Source: N.Y. Daily News
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