I think the pictures will mostly tell the story of this weekend recap. Since Saturday was St. Patrick's Day I cooked about 5 pounds of corned beef. Two of my sons don't like corned beef but I made it anyway because I love it. WSUS listener Theresa on Facebook suggested baking the corned beef instead of boiling it. Just a little water in the baking dish and covered with foil. Two hours in the oven at 350 and I enjoyed the best corned beef ever! Thank you Terry!
I also went out for ice cream with my stepson and his daughter at the Riverside Creamery on Saturday afternoon. Usually I order a dish of vanilla ice cream. This time I threw caution to the wind and had a chocolate ice cream soda. I haven't had a chocolate ice cream soda since I was a kid. It was great! Take a look
On Sunday I had a schedule conflict at 12 noon. My son James was playing for the Port Jervis Police in a charity basketball game and my god son Matt was helping cook breakfast with the youth group at our church. I decided to go to the breakfast since I was at church anyway. James is an intern with the Port Jervis Police for his last semester at S.C.C.C. He sent me a picture of himself and my friend Dan who was coaching the middle school kids. The middle school kids won 74 to 71 over the police department. James scored 10 points in the loosing effort. It sounds like this was a great community policing event that benefited the local animal shelter. I am very proud of James.
The rest of the weekend was all about running errands and preparing for Easter. This year my grand daughter will be at my house. It will be her first Easter at grandpa's house. I'm very excited. I found 2 very nice Easter Baskets in my attic. They go back to when the Easter Bunny visited my kids. It's nice to have connections to past memories and make them a part of new ones. All in all a very busy but enjoyable weekend
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