This is a fun topic for me. My theory is a little different than the expert's. Two of my kids turned out to be picky eaters. My youngest son James is a very picky eater. My daughter Kim is pretty picky too. So here's what the experts say you should do if you don't want to raise a picky eater.
1. Be a role model. If you want your kids to eat healthy fruits and veggies you should too.
2. Don't reinforce food ruts. Yes it's easy to give kids what they like all the time. But it's not helping your kids branch out. If you want them to eat more than chicken nuggets and hot dogs you have to keep trying new things.
3. Take the kids grocery shopping with you. They'll see many different foods and might want to try some.
4. Let kids help in the kitchen. My son Matt loved to help in the kitchen. Today he is most willing to try new foods. He's also a great cook!
5. Let kids figure out when they are full. Begging kids to take one more bite could encourage them to over eat. I always remember my dad saying to my mom: "If he's hungry he'll eat." I never forced my kids to eat. They always eventually did.
These are all good suggestions. However, all kids are different. My two older sons are not picky eaters. My daughter and youngest son are. Sometimes we just don't like certain foods. I don't like most seafood, but I'll eat tuna. My son James won't touch a burger, sausage or bacon. He'll eat all beef hot dogs. I think one of the reasons my younger kids are more picky is because I catered to them more.
Source: Romper
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