One of the things I love doing most every year is my annual Kid's Christmas Concert Series. Supporting our talented kids who put the time in to play a musical instrument or sing is so important. Over the years the bands and choruses from our area schools have truly impressed me.
This Friday Sparta High School's Music Department is hosting it's second annual Jazz Festival. I spoke with Sparta High School music teacher and jazz band director Andy Lopez about the festival a few days ago. He said jazz bands from 15 area schools will be performing: Glen Meadow Middle School, Byram Middle School, All 4 Sparta Jazz Bands from the High School and Middle School, two jazz bands from High Point High School, Pope John, Jefferson, Kittatinny, Newton, Lenape Valley and Mount Olive High School Jazz Bands
The Jazz Festival begins at 5 Friday Afternoon. Andy told me people can arrive later if they like. If you want to stay and watch a few bands perform that is perfectly fine. If you love jazz you can also stay for all 15 performances. Which adds up to about 5 hours of great live jazz music.
You can only buy tickets at the door. It's 10 dollars for adults, 8 dollars for seniors and 5 dollars for students. There will be food available to purchase. All proceeds go to support Sparta High School Music Programs. Sounds like a great way to spend a Friday Night!
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