The last three mornings when I woke up there was a stink bug in my kitchen. Wednesday there was one the wall. Thursday there was one on the kitchen which I mistook for a crumb and tried to scoop into my hand (gross). Then this morning I plucked one out of the cat food dish. You are probably seeing some of these guys around your house too. So I thought it would be cool to look up some information and pass it along.
1. Stink bugs are actually new to North America. They were accidentally introduced into the United State from Asia. The first stink bug in the U.S. was discovered in Allentown, Pennsylvania in 1998. Today they are in every state and Canada.
2. Their official name is: Brown Marmorated Stink Bug.
3. Stink bugs don't bite or sting. They suck juices out of plants and fruits. However, their exoskeleton has sharp edges and could scratch your skin.
4. They don't have many natural enemies here. Some wasps and a few birds might eat them. It's not nearly enough to control their population.
5. Good news! They're not breeding in your house. Stink bugs move into our houses to stay warm for the winter but they are in active. They don't breed until spring and summer when they move outside.
6. They have more than one scent. Like skunks stink bugs give off a bad smell when they are crushed or in danger. They also give off a scent that humans can't smell. It happens when they find a safe place for the winter. The scent is only for other stink bugs. Like an invitation for their other stink bugs friends to join them.
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