I was looking forward to my daughter and grand daughter coming to visit. My daughter Kim makes it a point to come home for the annual Skylands March for Babies every year. The event was part of a busy weekend for me.
One of the other things Kim enjoys when she comes home is the way her dad (me) cooks a steak dinner. On Friday night that's what we did and the strip steaks came out great. I seasoned then with a little hamburger spice mix, sides of Spanish Rice and fresh broccoli. Grand daughter Gracie always enjoys her trip to the super market and has already learned mommy is a push over when it comes to getting shampoo and soap.
On Saturday my live broadcast at Subaru World of Newton went very well. The showroom was busy and it was great to see my friend Chris Dexter. Who is back at Subaru World. Wally Darwish and I have the whole "woow whoo" thing down. We are going to have to practice a little with Chris.
Then the weekend went down hill from there. My son got home from work about an hour after I got back from Subaru World. The wind was already pretty strong as that heavy rain storm approached. As he pulled into the drive he noticed a section of the roof cap was hanging off our house. The inside of the house was completed exposed to the approaching storm. I'm so glad Matt came home when he did. As he grabbed the ladder I found his drill and some deck screws. Just before the downpour Matt was able to climb on the roof and temporarily secure the roof cap. Hopefully, I can find a roofer who can do a permanent repair at a reasonable cost. Sometimes parents joke about their kids still living with them when they are in their 20's. I won't anymore. Matt saved a disaster and he wouldn't have been there if he was living somewhere else.
Saturday night I was looking forward to watching a couple of Lifetime movies with Kim after she put Gracie to bed. We put Lifetime on but we both feel asleep. In the middle of the night I woke up feeling very sick to my stomach. By 6 o'clock in the morning I was about as sick as I've ever been. I knew I had to host the Skylands March for Babies in a few hours and there was no one else to fill in. At the last minute a family friend was able to drive us to the fairgrounds. I was not at my best but made it through the opening ceremonies with only one glitch. Thank you to Joanne and everyone from the March of Dimes for being so kind and understanding.
I spent the next 14 hours on my couch unable to eat or drink. While considering a trip to urgent care. Thank You to George Fuller who filled in for me at the last minute Monday morning. I was finally able to have a little chicken soup early Monday morning. I'm feeling much better today. I threw in an extra picture of my grand daughter Gracie. She is so adorable.
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