Living apart together (LAT) is something more and more couples are content with in 2018. Times have really changed from generation to generation. When my parents were dating couples didn't live together until they got married. The logic of my generation was that couples should live together for a while before getting married. Today more and more couples seem to be content with not living together at all.
Having your own time and space can benefit a relationship because there's less conflict. Of course, this situation can only work if couples totally trust each other and don't have control issues. I tend to think this might be easier for older couples. Younger couples who are happy want to be together as much as possible. This is what I see with my own kids and I was the same way.
Relationship expert Dr. Margaret Paul thinks LAT allows couples to have the benefits of companionship, friendship and intimacy without the responsibilities of living together. They might even miss each other so absence would actually make the heart grow fonder.
The one exception to this trend is couples who have kids together. Maintaining two households is more expensive. Moms and dads should also be together to share responsibilities that come with their kids.
If it works for you the LAT is a good idea!
Source: Mind Body Green
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