Well, I didn't need science to tell me to talk to my dog like a baby. I read somewhere living with a dog is similar to living with a 4 year old child. So that's the way I talk to my dog Maddie. Dogs do understand many words we say to them. I also think how you talk to your dog depends on the dog. I had a Golden Retriever named Rusty for many years. I remember speaking to him more like an adult. Rusty acted a lot more grown up than my Pit Bull Maddie. I love them both with all my heart.
A new study published in Animal Cognition concludes that dogs do prefer what is called "Dog Directed Speech." This is talking to your dog like he or she is a baby. The research discovered that dogs pay attention longer when you talk baby talk to them as compared to a more level tone. Especially, when they understand the words you are saying to them.
So now you don't have to feel weird because you talk to your dog like she's a baby. Science says it's O.K. I have no doubt my kids will still call me and Maddie "Pathetic" when they hear me doing it!
Source: New York Post