My back has really been bothering me since I helped my daughter and her family move back to Matamoras two weeks ago. Usually when this happens I just keep pushing myself through the pain and eventually I start to feel better. This weekend changed all that. I now have to face the reality I just can't always push through my back pain.
Friday afternoon when I got home from the radio station my back was feeling a little better. So I decided to fill a watering can and try to water my vegetable garden. It was a big mistake. My left leg got numb then I had shooting pain to my toes when I tried to lift the watering can. I managed to get inside and took some Aleve. The pain calmed down for about 5 hours.
Feeling better, Friday evening I joined Steve Allan and Borasio from WNNJ at our Free Screening of Action Point at Flagship Cinemas in Matamoras. My kids see movies there all the time. The reclining seats are fantastic. My Action Park tee shirt was a hit. Although wearing it in public made me feel fat. Since I was sitting up straight my back felt pretty good.
Saturday morning I woke up at 7 and needed my son's help to walk. I knew it was time for the doctor. I called Hartey Chiropractic in Matamoras hoping they had a last minute Saturday Morning appointment. They told me to get there when I could and Dr. Hartey would help me. It was my first visit to a chiropractor. Dr. Hartey treated my pain with electricity and massage. The popped my back and neck. The relief came pretty fast. I actually enjoyed some pool time with my grand daughter Gracie Saturday afternoon. Dr. Hartey said ice and cold would help me.
On Sunday morning I woke up with pain again. I went to Sunday Service at the United Methodist Church of Matamoras and then back to Dr. Hartey for a second day of treatments. Later that afternoon the church was having it's first ever service to bless our pets. Kim and I took Maddie. Who was very excited to see all the other dogs. She did hold still long enough to be blessed by Pastor Diane.
I was feeling very frustrated Sunday afternoon. I had projects to work on outside the house but could not do any of them. So I did a small project inside instead. I dusted and cleaned my hutch. The dust on the dishes and hutch was pretty thick. At least I accomplished something.
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