I always fight the good fight when it comes to clutter. At least I think I do. Then again maybe I'm not. The main reason we hang on to things is because we think we might need them or use them again in the future. It makes sense. If you've already bought something why buy it again? If you have the room in your house in a closet or the attic just hang on to it.
I kept some of my parent's old furniture. I knew it was high quality and now my son Matt is using some of it. Hopefully, my other kids will be able to use some of the pieces I saved as well.
The problem is over time we just wind up filling spaces with things we really don't need. I'll give you an example from my own life. I've been keeping a large through the wall air conditioner in my basement for 15 years. I've been waiting for the large air conditioner in my kitchen to break down so I can use it. Last month the compressor in my kitchen air conditioner finally went. Finally, I could use the air conditioner I saved for 15 years. In the end I wound up buying a brand new one instead.
Today's air conditioners are more energy efficient. My family convinced me a new air conditioner would be more cost effective in the long run. So that 15 year old air conditioner still sits in my basement. I am stubbornly hanging on to it for when my bedroom air conditioner breaks!
Yes it seems foolish to throw something out that might be useful down the road. Then again if your house is just overflowing with stuff you are not using it might be time to bite the bullet. After all you can always buy another one and it will be newer, nicer and better. If it's something you might only use short term there's always the possibility of borrowing one from a friend.
This is an on going struggle for me. One thing that makes me feel better about getting rid of stuff I probably won't ever use is donating it. It will make you feel good to know you are helping someone else and that what you bought isn't going to waste.
I wish I could find someone to donate that old air conditioner to. If you know anyone let me know.
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