Well, Saturday was an action packed day. I was up early to start a new project. The deck of the rental property I own in Hamburg needs many rotting boards replaced. Saturday morning we replaced 12 ten foot planks. I'd say we are about a third of the way through the entire project. Today I'll be taking the foul smelling wood to SCMUA. All weekend long I had to drive around with all the windows to my Jeep open. That wood smells Bad!
Then Saturday afternoon it was off to the New Jersey State Fair. My favorite place at the fair is the livestock pavilion. Everyone should see the pride and hard work it takes to be a farmer. One of the few places to see this up close is the livestock pavilion at New Jersey State Fair. Thank you Mike and Kim Strada for allowing me to pet and take a picture with one of your pigs.
I tried to relax a little on Sunday. Most of the morning I did chores around my own house then we did some big food shopping. After church we ate lunch and my dog Maddie was doing her usual begging for a piece of my sandwich. I was also finishing up some cucumber salad. Of course, I was amused to find out Maddie loved that too. I guess anything daddy eats is good enough for her. I now have a pit bull that eats cucumber salad!
One final thought. My daughter Kim has been on Long Island helping a friend with her kids for the last three weeks. Which means for three weeks we've hardly seen Miss Gracie. Kim's family returned from Long Island on Friday Night. It's good to have Miss Gracie back in her own bed at home.
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