Steve Andrews

Steve Andrews

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Bobcat sighted in Warwick

     I love living close to nature and wildlife. A few days ago Sarah Armand who lives on Ball Road near Masker Orchards saw a bobcat in her yard and had the presence of mind to grab her phone and take a video. It was a pretty large bobcat. 

     The Warwick Valley Humane Society told The Warwick Advertiser bobcats are pretty common in the woods around the town. There's a lot of open land so bob cats have plenty of space to roam. They don't go out of their way to be around humans but sometimes bobcats can be tempted by an easy meal. Usually it's younger bobcats out exploring. This particular bobcat didn't bother anyone and went back into the woods. 

     Here are some common sense precautions to take if you are concerned:

1. Don't leave small pets outside unsupervised

2. Don't leave pet food outside. Especially at night.

3. Keep garbage secure

4. Make sure chicken coups are secure 

5. Keep your bird feeder inside until winter

Source: The Warwick Advertiser

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