Scrabble is a classic board game and it's kept up with the times. There's a Scrabble app and a Scrabble dictionary so we can keep up with the latest words. Now there are 300 more words to choose from. Here are some of the most amusing.
Ew-a sign of disgust
Bestie-best friend
Hivemind-a large number of people with the same opinion
Puggle-a new breed of dog (a pug beagle mix)
Nubber- tool for holding the short end of a cigar
Twerk- the dance
Zombiod- a lazy speechless human
Sheeple-people who act like sheep
Facepalm-an expression of disbelief
When my grand daughter gets a little bit older I think I'm going to try to get her to play scrabble.
Source: NBC News
Photo by Pixabay