My weekends are always pretty busy. If I'm not working doing a live broadcast somewhere I'm taking care of a project that needs to be done at my house. All summer I worked on outside maintenance projects, the lawn and garden. Now fall clean up projects have to be done.
This weekend I took a little break from those projects. After all it's apple and pumpkin picking season. My grand daughter Gracie is almost three so she is now at the age where she can enjoy the fall fun our area has to offer. This weekend Gracie went apple picking for the first time. We took her to Penning's Orchard in Warwick, New York. I met several members of the Penning Family last week when the dropped by the studio for a Tri State for Less interview. I actually used a Tri State for Less Certificate to go apple picking, shop at the farm store and have a hard cider.
We had a great time at Penning's. I loved the play area for kids and the farm store. There were plenty of people to help us park and find the apples we wanted. Now Gracie knows apples come from trees. I also went home with a gallon jug of fresh apple cider and cider donuts. Which were still warm when I got them. So I just had to have one in the parking lot.
The most hilarious moments of the weekend happened Friday Night. When Gracie, Kim and grandma were playing in the guest room. I came in to tell them dinner was almost ready. The closet in the room is pretty much empty so Gracie was going in and out pretending to hide. When I stepped in the room she took my hand and lead me to the closet. I stepped inside and she closed the door. When I started to knock she started to laugh. Then I got the idea to stick my fingers under the closed door. Which made Gracie laugh hysterically. Then she tried to pull the rest of my hand through the door. It was hilarious. The most fun I've had in a long time.
On Sunday I tried to be a little more productive. After church I finally remembered to stop at K-Mart and buy some Gold Toe dress socks. Just about every sock I own has at least one hole in it. Then I looked up a recipe for baked corned beef on line. The corned beef was in the freezer for a while and had to be cooked. It was tender but very salty. The recipe said to rinse the corned beef but I forgot. It still tasted delicious on a sandwich with mayonnaise.
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