I guess deciding to give up meat and animal products in your diet doesn't mean you can't have a treat every once in a while. Many snacks we enjoy everyday are actually free of animal products. Here are 5 of the most popular ones.
1. Oreo Cookies-That cream in the middle doesn't contain any real cream.
2. Ritz Crackers- they taste buttery but have no butter in them.
3. Cookie Crisp Cereal- it's not only vegan it's also gluten free
4. Bac'n Pieces-the bacon flavored chips from McCormick have no bacon in them
5. Thin Mints Girl Scout Cookies- again no real cream in the minty cream
So if it's not real butter, bacon and cream in these snacks what is it? If afraid to find out!
Source: Buzzfeed
Photo by Pixabay