By far the area's most popular Halloween Party and Costume Contest is tonight at Franklin Sussex Auto Mall. This party is an annual tradition that goes back over a decade. 1023 WSUS has been a part of all of them. We broadcast live, help with the costume judging and I help to host with Bill Snouffer.
Here's what you need to know about tonight's party. Registration for the costume contest starts at 4 PM. Get there early. Over 100 people participate every year. 1023 WSUS starts our live broadcast at 4 as well. If you bring a decorated pumpkin to us between 4 and 6 we will give you a family 4 pack of tickets to the Great Pumpkin Festival at Heaven Hill Farm in Vernon. Franklin Sussex Auto Mall's Costume Contest starts at 6 (or as soon as everyone is registered). There are prizes in every category. Prizes include gift cards and flat screen T.V's. The grand prize for the best group costume this year is a trip for 4 to Universal Studios in Orlando. There's a free barbecue too.
There's also a haunted tour at the Sterling Hill Mining Museum tonight. Tours are from 6 to 10. If you have a ticket for tomorrow you should come tonight instead. Tomorrow's tours have been cancelled because rain is expected. Tickets are 10 dollars for adults 6 dollars for kids. All proceeds will support the Ogdensburg School's eight grade class.
On Saturday in Newton you can run in costume at the 6th annual Newton Pride Halloween 5K. The event will include music, food, face painting and an awards ceremony. The event begins at Newton High School at 9:30 in the morning.
McAfee Fire Department is hosting an all you can eat Halloween Breakfast Sunday Morning from 8 to 11. Come in costume for a special treat. Enjoy Pancakes, Eggs, Home Fries, Bacon and more. Tickets are 10 dollars for adults 4 dollars for kids.
Hamburg Borough Recreation is hosting a trunk or treat for borough residents on Sunday. Come with your car decorated and treats for all who attend. The trunk or treat starts at 3PM at the field on Gingerbread Castle Road.
The Hackettstown Elks are also hosting a Trunk or Treat on Sunday from 2 to 4 at the Wendy's on Mountain Avenue.
Source: NJ Herald
Photo by Steve Andrews