Two bear hunt opponents have been issued three summonses after freeing a bear from a trap in Great Gorge Village this past Saturday Night. The traps were set up after two Great Gorge Village residents claimed a bear charged at them in the complex. No one was injured by the bear.
Catherine McCartney (50) of Highland Lakes and Mark Nagelhout (43) of Park Ridge are both members of the anti hunt Bear Group. The Bear Group's attorney says McCartney and Nagelhout were "documenting" what was happening. The Bear Group posted video of the bear crying after being caught in a barrel shaped trap.
A spokesperson for the DEP says the bear caught in the trap was a young bear not believed to be the one that allegedly charged at the Great Gorge Village Residents. A state biologist was sent to Great Gorge Village after the bear was trapped but did not arrive until 8PM.
McCartney and Nagelhout are both scheduled to appear in Vernon Municipal Court on November 13th.
I really don't know enough about the pros and cons of the bear hunt to express an opinion on which side is right. However, I do have an opinion about animal traps. First of all these traps do not guarantee the bear in question will be the one captured. More importantly, If you are going to use these traps don't just leave them unattended.
Source: NJ.COM
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