Cooking Thanksgiving Dinner is something I've had the pleasure of doing many times. When my mom was alive she would help and make her delicious stuffing from my great grandma's recipe. I miss those Thanksgivings. As my kids got older I tried to make Thanksgiving at home a little easier. Then when my daughter moved to Long Island we celebrated with Kim and her boyfriend. His family did the cooking. I hated the drive but I did get to relax when I got there.
Now that Kim, her boyfriend and Gracie are in Pennsylvania we had to decide where Thanksgiving Dinner would be. My cousin Tara invited us. I would have enjoyed that. However, all 4 of my kids requested that we celebrate together at home like we used to. I take they're request as a compliment. However, I will be trying to make things a little easier this year.
I will be making Stove Top Stuffing and Bell's Stuffing this year. A 20 pound turkey, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole and biscuits. To save time I might use Bob Evans mashed potatoes. They're yummy and come in several varieties. I will bring in small trays of meatballs and chicken cutlets already cooked as an extra sides. That shouldn't be too overwhelming.
Of course it all starts with grocery shopping. Here are some tips on saving money from me and the website The Daily Meal. First of all get a free turkey! Spend the 400 bucks at Shop Rite or the 100 bucks in one shopping trip at another supermarket. If you're having a large group over cook an extra turkey breast instead of another whole turkey. Make sure you shop at more than one supermarket to get the best sales and coupons too.
Another way to save time and money is to ask guests to bring a side dish. My son Matt makes the best cranberry sauce! You should also be willing to buy store brand products when you can. Make a list before you go and don't over buy. You won't run out of food trust me!
Photo by Pixabay